Doc Bunny’s Tips on Building Self Confidence

No one is perfect. Most of us need to build self confidence today, but the majority just either ignore the issues or concentrate on the negatives: stress, worry, jobs, money problems and relationship issues. Concentrating on these areas drains our self confidence rather than improving it.

If you could improve your self confidence you could make more money, look and feel better physically, or just be more relaxed with other people. Negative thoughts literally suck energy from our minds and bodies and block the flow of positive messages. We need to hear positive messages, as they will build self confidence and raise our self esteem.  Doc Bunny is giving us simple techniques that have been proven to help build self confidence.

  1. Talk to yourself. It sounds crazy but it works. All of us have a running monologue constantly in our heads, whether we realize it or not. Everything we see, hear, or touch sparks off an immediate dialog in our thoughts.  Start learning to identify negative self talk and replace it with positive and confident thoughts. Take control over what you can and that is learning self control. Self control leads to discipline, leading to controlling your thoughts to help you build self confidence. For example one of my regular sayings is “Every day in every way life is getting better all the time”. I just repeat it for a couple of minutes.  It sounds cheesy, but does build self confidence. Try it.  I bet that if you go to the mirror right now 25 times for 21 days, it will be impossible to keep from smiling.
  2. Dress as smartly by knowing your style and experiment. You feel at your best when you wear clothing that you feel comfortable and reflects your style. Whether you have a classic style or trendy fashion, find staples and accessories that make you shine, You will be amazed at just how much more confidence you will have just looking your best. Wearing your best and favorite clothing, well groomed, and being surrounded by a clean and functional environment make all the difference in being confident in your style.
  3. Smile. Just smile and things seem better somehow. Practice smiling regularly and get your facial muscles used to the physical act of smiling. If you aren’t used to smile and it makes you feel uncomfortable, look in the mirror and smile at yourself. It sounds more cheesy than talking to yourself but it builds self-esteem. Try it. I bet if you add smiling at yourself right now 25 times in 21 days and more people will smile back at you.

Increase your self esteem even more by being grateful to what you are and appreciate your positive attributes.  Say “thank you” to yourself to everything you see, all whom you meet, and each smile that you. Your self-esteem will thank you and others will as well.

Thanks for reading and we appreciate your loyalty. Follow Doc Bunny on Instagram and Twitter @docbunny2020 and subscribe to Doc Bunny’s Big Show on YouTube.

Bernice Sykes, PhD (Doc Bunny)
Bernice Sykes, PhD (Doc Bunny)

A devoted mother, Army veteran, spiritual fitness, and restorative travel coach Guiding others towards inner peace and balance in life, enriching lives, transforming mindsets, finding purpose in life, and discovering their potential helps them accomplish their goals.

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Bernice Sykes, PhD (Doc Bunny)
Bernice Sykes, PhD (Doc Bunny)

A devoted mother, Army veteran, spiritual fitness, and restorative travel coach Guiding others towards inner peace and balance in life, enriching lives, transforming mindsets, finding purpose in life, and discovering their potential helps them accomplish their goals.

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