What Vitamins Help with Fatigue?

There are many reasons a person may feel fatigued and weak. It could be the result of being completely burnt out or working too hard, or it could be a consistent problem you encounter as a result of underlying health conditions. People can experience fatigue temporarily for a few days or may go through a period of several months feeling tired and exhausted. However, one of the things you can pay attention to and adjust is your vitamin intake. By ensuring your body is getting more of the vitamins and minerals needed to combat tiredness and fatigue, you’ll be helping yourself to feel more energised throughout the day. By adapting your lifestyle, you could soon be waving goodbye to the seemingly endless days of fatigue.  These are steps that will help you to recover correctly while following a medical doctor’s advice.

Vitamin D

Many people don’t get enough vitamin D in their bodies, resulting in regular occurrences of prolonged tiredness. Vitamin D helps your body to absorb other important vitamins such as vitamin C, and overall helps your body’s immune system to become stronger. An important source of vitamin D is the sun, so if the sun is shining where you are, try to spend 20 minutes per day outside.

Vitamin B12

Low levels of vitamin B12 can contribute to feelings of fatigue as well as memory loss and mental health problems. Vitamin B12 helps in the effective production of red blood cells which helps your nervous system to function at its optimum levels. You can find high levels of vitamin B12 in seafood, carrots, avocados and bell peppers, to name just a few.

Vitamin C

Among the vitamins that help to boost your immune system is vitamin C. When we feel fatigued, particularly for extended periods of time, this can cause permanent damage to the immune and nervous systems, thus making us more susceptible to diseases. However, by taking the required levels of the necessary vitamins, you can start to rebuild your immune system and strengthen your body’s response to illness. Sources of vitamin C for a healthy balanced diet include citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, chilli peppers, broccoli and apricots.


While iron isn’t strictly classed as a vitamin, it’s a very important nutrient which can combat fatigue and promote a healthy system. Iron deficiency is a common problem and is often the reason for increased fatigue and weakness. Other common symptoms of iron deficiency include dry hair, nails and skin, and some sufferers report feeling cold often – mainly in their hands and feet. If you have a severe deficiency in iron, which can be diagnosed through a blood test by your doctor, you may be advised to take supplements. A healthy, balanced diet should include rich sources of iron, such as spinach, eggs and beans.

Bernice Sykes, PhD (Doc Bunny)
Bernice Sykes, PhD (Doc Bunny)

A devoted mother, Army veteran, spiritual fitness, and restorative travel coach Guiding others towards inner peace and balance in life, enriching lives, transforming mindsets, finding purpose in life, and discovering their potential helps them accomplish their goals.

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Bernice Sykes, PhD (Doc Bunny)
Bernice Sykes, PhD (Doc Bunny)

A devoted mother, Army veteran, spiritual fitness, and restorative travel coach Guiding others towards inner peace and balance in life, enriching lives, transforming mindsets, finding purpose in life, and discovering their potential helps them accomplish their goals.

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